Please, if nothing else, do stay in contact with us.
We’ll be featuring more and more promising projects that point to the future and introduce the people who are making a change for the better.
I’ll be regularly interviewing people in business, in politics and those working charitably and socially for change, and I’ll be publishing those films on this site and distributing them to Government and other centres of influence.
We’re also planning a video series of positive case studies on businesses and social enterprises where people with hope and belief are creating new models for a sustainable and fair financial future through simple effort and smart ideas.
If you’re interested in bringing more fairness into lending and finance, and would like to join with us, please consider sponsoring a part of or a whole case study film or series. These videos aim to bring a vitality to the media representation of fair finance by showing practical ways forward through people who are passionately involved.
Video can bring a direct quality to an argument by providing people with an opportunity to describe what values drive them, what satisfaction they get from their achievements, and why these issues matter to them. This allows the audience to identify on a highly personal level.
We believe that this will be an important contribution to effecting change. What will be required is not simply cogent argument, or effort, but also media productions of this type that inspire hope and drive a belief in the audience that change is indeed possible. This is especially valuable in motivating regulators and legislators to effect the necessary changes required.
Together we can absolutely make a difference!
Dr Roger Gewolb, London